Utility Network Design and Build

In years past electricity flowed in one direction, from generation out to the consumer, and data flowed from the grid back to the Energy Control Center (ECC) in the form of telemetry of one kind or another. This has all changed.  New power flows, especially on the distribution grid, will have new communications demands.

All future Smart Grid initiatives, including Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Distribution Automation (DA), Distributed Energy Resources (DER)  & other new opportunities, will have one foundational need; reliable, two-way communications between the many devices and sensors that support the transmission & distribution grid and the operators at the Energy Control Center (ECC). Additionally, new business consumers will develop opportunities with the vast amounts of valuable data now unlocked from the grid.

Modern Grid Partners considers communication network design, implementation & operations to be core competencies of our firm. We have both experienced RF network designers and enterprise network architects, we can help you plan and implement the foundational changes in your telecommunications systems & operations necessary to support the new business requirements all utilities face in this era of rapid change.

Ready for Technology Transformation? We are too!